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Article 1

PIANISSIMO 2023 will be held from 1 st to 3 rd December, 2023, in the premises of Music School

Subotica (Street: Štrosmajerova, No. 3, Subotica).

Article 2

The competition is a public musical-pedagogical manifestation in which can participate both full-

time and part-time students of elementary and high music schools.

Article 3

Candidates will be designated in to one of three disciplines depending on their age.

1. Discipline - elementary school
BABY category : born in 2015. and younger
I category : born in 2014.
II category : born in 2013.
III category : born in 2012.
IV category : born in 2011.
V category : born in 2010.
VI category : born in 2009.
2. Discipline - high music school
VII category : born in 2008 and 2007.
VIII category : born in 2006 and 2005.
3. Discipline – students of bachelor and master studies
IX category: born in 2004 and 2003.
X category : born in 2002 and 2001.

Article 5

Candidates in all categories will perform two pieces.
The program must be performed by heart.

Baby, I, II III category – performance of two compositions of different character.
IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X category – performance of two compositions from different style

Article 6

Competitors will receive a diploma for winning 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize, or praise for participation


90,00 -100,00 points for the 1st prize
80,00 -89,99 points for the 2nd prize
70,00 -79,99 points for the 3rd prize
60,00 -69,99 points praise of commendation
The decision made by the jury is final and irrevocable.
The competitors are ranked based on the average grade given by the jury.

In case if more competitors in the same category achieve an equal number of points, preference
will be given to the youngest candidate.

Article 7

The jury may assign a special prize called "LAUREATE" if they reach a unanimous decision.

Article 8

The jury may assign a special prize called “MOST SUCCESFUL PEDAGOGUE OF
PIANISSIMO 2023” if they reach a unanimous decision.
Article 9

All contestants will receive a diploma for acknowledging their participation in the festival. A
festive final concert can be organized for the best placed participants of the competition. Both
performer and programme will be chosen by the jury.

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